Prayer Request
Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Phil 4:6
Please be aware that these prayer requests are being shared in the prayer community of St. John the Baptist Church and School in Savage.
Please enter your prayer requests below. Be as specific as you are comfortable being. Know that these prayers are being shared with our Prayer Warriors and they will be praying for your intentions. We will only share first names.
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We love to know if there is an update on a prayer request or if a prayer has been answered. Please share your story here. It is so uplifting to know how prayers are being answered, even in small ways. Maybe the cancer hasn't been healed but the person is feeling better. If you agree, your story may be shared throughout our St. John's community.
I give my permission to share my update and/or answered prayer story? We will only use first names.
Please select all that apply.
I would like to sign up to be a Prayer Warrior at home and to receive prayer requests for which I will pray?
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Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Phil 4:6
Please be aware that these prayer requests are being shared in the prayer community of St. John the Baptist Church and School in Savage.
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